Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Autism a Communication and Social Disorder

Autism is a brain disorder that is characterized by impaired social interaction and delayed communication skills. (Segal, 1996) Children with Autism show signs of delay in the first two years of life. Many times parents notice that their child demonstrates repetitive behaviors, or likes to spin objects, line things up or has an affinity for sameness. Some children with Autism have difficulty with transitions from one activity to another and are not able to regulate their senses. The range of these behaviors varies and that is why Autism is called a spectrum disorder. Many times, children will exhibit one or several of the symptoms. Children who exhibit fewer symptoms are diagnosed with PDD or Pervasive Developmental Delay, while children who have many of the symptoms are termed Autistic. There is recent research that shows that autism may be caused by genetics which are related to how the brain develops in early childhood. In the article, Autism and Brain development, Nancy Shute reports that some kind of mutations of genes that are important to language development may be the cause of autism in some children. Daniel Geschwind is researching the fact that these genes are sometimes turned on or off depending on the brains experiences. † (Shute). There is also a chance that â€Å"structural damage will be found, and this damage could be anything from microscopic to the grossly visible, from faults inside nerve cells to faulty development of whole cell systems. † (Frith) The causes of Autism are still being explored, but the more important thing is how people are diagnosed and treated for it. The symptoms of Autism are variable, and usually different in each child. Delay of language development, lack of social skills and lack of eye contact are a few of the symptoms. Because there is a range in the severity of the symptoms the diagnosis and treatment of autism varies and is an interesting process. The diagnosis of autism is based on a behavioral check list. â€Å"Because a diagnosis is a label or shorthand for treatment, it needs to correspond to the services to the child needs in the immediate future. † (Siegel) The parents, teachers, developmental pediatrician and sometimes other therapists all contribute to the assessment. The CHAT, Checklist of Autism in Toddlers is one way that pediatricians screen children under 2 years old for Autism. For children 4 years and older, a Social Communication Questionnaire is often used. These screenings rely on parent report and the observation of a diagnostic team. Then the child will be referred to a developmental pediatrician or a psychologist who is trained in diagnosis of Autism. There are several diagnostic tools, usually developmental checklists, and parent report along with a team of professionals who look at the behavioral symptoms that are characteristic of this disorder. The team of professionals who diagnosis autism typically include the parent, speech therapist, teacher, pediatrician and occupational therapist. The most widely used diagnostic tool for Autism is the ADOS, (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule). The North Bay Regional Center uses this to diagnose children with autism in this area. There are also other centers, the Mind Institute with is part of the University of Davis medical Center, where they focus only on diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorders. Bryna Siegel is a Psychologist who works at UCSF and has her own diagnostic clinic. Each case of autism has its own individual characteristics ranging between its cause, its diagnosis and the life long treatment. After being diagnosed, different therapy options are presented; PECS, play therapy and discrete trial are the three more commonly used treatments. What is best for children with Autism is an early diagnosis, and intensive speech and language therapy which includes the family. Dr. Stanly Greenspan has developed the â€Å"Floortime† approach to helping families learn to interact with their children. â€Å"Autism and ASD’s involve difficulties in relating forming relationships, communicating, and thinking. (Greenspan) Play therapy also gives parents a chance to learn to communicate nonverbally with their autistic child. One of the most effective styles of play therapy is called floor time. â€Å"In playing with their child, parents can help her develop her social skills and also connect with their child through this nonverbal style of communication. The floor time/play therapy that a speech therapist directs is used to â€Å"harness the child’s natural interests. † (Greenspan) in doing so they are able to â€Å"get a picture of what she finds enjoyable, what motivates her. (Greenspan) and is considered as the best method for supporting the language and social communication development of the child with autism. Speech therapy is one of the most important pieces of the team approach to help children with Autism develop social and communication skills. The goal of speech therapy in working with children with autism is to help the child communicate her needs and wants. A specific therapy program is individualized for each child. There are as many programs as there are children. There are a wide range of therapies that facilitate language development in children with Autism. Normally language and play go off one another when both are impaired; they are likely to mutually inhibit the development of the other. † (Siegel) While there are other therapies, play therapy is considered one of the most effective ways to understand nonverbal communication in autism. Children with Autism can benefit from play therapy. The therapy is based on the child’s own interests. Children with autism do not play with toys in a functional way. â€Å"One thing that is often different about the sensory development of autistic children is its repetitiveness. This is also referred to as perseveration. Instead of pulling a string or handle on a â€Å"speak and say† five or six times, the autistic of PDD child may engage in such an activity for 20 minutes without stopping. † (Siegle) Play therapy teaches the child to play with toys in ways that use imagination and are symbolic. And since imagination is obscured in autistic minds this is very important. Even though it may not be clear in a young child it can be observed in some situations such as a â€Å"Two year old autistic children (who) ‘play telephone’. They pick up the receiver and punch the buttons on the toy phone. Then they put the receiver down, less often will you see the autistic two year yammering, as if talking to someone. What is really never seen in the successive ‘calls’ – say to grandma, big bird, or the family dog. That type of elaboration on a toy thing is beyond the slope of imagination of most autistic children instead, the physical actions copied strictly from what has been observed in the past is playlalia. † (Siegle) Play and speech therapy, paired with pictures is one of the ways that speech therapists and parents encourage language. Often the child with Autism uses a picture to exchange for a desired item this is called PECS. This picture exchange system is important and can be used after observing and playing with the child to determine what toys the child is interested in. It is used as a stepping stone for communication with the outside world. The picture exchange system is a way for children with Autism to communicate using pictures. This is a good way for them to make their needs and wants met. Many children with autism have tantrums or do not want to cooperate with their teacher or parents. The best way to find out what a child with autism wants is to use this simple system. Since many people on the autism spectrum tend to learn visually, it makes good sense to communicate with images. Just as important, images are a universal means of communication – and they are just as understandable by strangers or young peers by parents or therapists. † (Rudy) When the parent knows what the child wants, they can use the picture of the desired item as a reinforcer to help the child cooperate with the parents directions. Sometimes the parent will offer the child two pictures as choices. Other times the parent can use the picture of an activity that needs to be accomplished and a picture of a desired item. Then the parent can say, first wash hands and then you can have bubbles. The child learns this routine and is able to communicate, and follow the parent’s directions. There is a more complex style of picture exchange system where the speech therapist starts with one item paired with an object. The speech therapist then asks the child â€Å"want cookie†, showing the child a picture of a cookie and the cookie. When the child understands that the picture represents the cookie then the child is ready to use the pictures for other choices. Later the child is using pictures to help form sentences. There are many ways that speech therapists use pictures to encourage language. Often the speech therapist works with the behaviorist to develop a system that will provide reinforcers for the child. These reinforcers help the child to stay motivated during therapy. The behavioral therapy or Discrete Trials therapy is often used along with speech therapy. â€Å"Discrete trial training is conducted using intensive drills of selected materials. A specific behavior is prompted or guided, and children receive reinforcement for proper responses. † (What is Discrete Trial Training? This is a program that teaches a child with autism specific information in small units which are less distracting for the child. Because children with autism are so distractible or may want to obsess on spinning or other behaviors, the discrete trial helps them to focus on learning vocabulary, names of animals, math and pre reading skills. The occupational therapist is also important to the treatment of children with Autism. This therapist often uses sensory integration techniques to help the child with Autism develop self regulation. Many of the children with autism have self stimulatory behaviors with are sometimes their way to regulate, their senses. These self stimulatory behaviors may not be as effective as the specific movement, vestibular, or deep pressure, proprioceptive, or sensory, touch and brushing that the occupational therapist uses. The parents of the child with autism are invited to observe what the therapist recommends, and then they can use many of the recommendations at home to help calm their child. Many children with autism are sensitive to loud noises, and are sometimes very sensitive to tags in the back of their shirts, or the seams on their socks. The book, â€Å"The Out of Sync Child† by Carol Stock Kranowitz, has many suggestions for children who are sensitive to noise, light, and touch. The research is clear that the first step is early intervention using a team approach early diagnosis and treatment specific to the individual child is the most helpful thing you can do. Although it takes patience and understanding (with the trial and error); with the numerous treatments available every child can be helped. The diagnosis is the first step, and when treatment is started early, the team approach is the beginning of optimal treatment for the child.

The Human Vessel to the New Business Frontier

As our workforces grow more diverse every day, and customers are demanding better, faster, and less expensive service, companies are faced with the challenges to create and meet the changes necessary to remain in business. The organizational environment must also learn to assess the direction of these changes while also being able to respond successfully to those that roll in at a completely different direction than expected. The leadership required to handle these wonderfully tumultuous times, so that organizations in transition remain profitable, is crucial. Today†s companies become successful based on their abilities to create and manage change. They can no longer survive without â€Å"†¦ courage and imagination – the courage to challenge prevailing business models and the imagination to invent new markets. † As the globe continues to evolve into a marketplace with vanishing boundaries, competition becomes stronger, tighter, and smarter than ever before, ultimately forcing organizational change. The tidal strength of competition that has been upon us over the past few decades has fundamentally changed the â€Å"blueprints† of many corporations and how they now need to be led. Businesses have awakened to the hard fact that leadership can no longer be defined by the effective management of people and systems, but most importantly by the effective leading of change. Leadership, or the lack thereof, is proving to be one of the most crucial determinants of whether organizations will survive and flourish in the next century†s business frontier. â€Å"We live in an era of organizational reengineering. To become or remain competitive, leaders often must realize improvement through radical change, or reengineering. As defined by Jon R. Katzenbach, author of Real Change Leaders, radical changes are: Those situations in which corporate performance requires most people throughout the organization to learn new behaviors and skills. These new skills must add up to a competitive advantage for the enterprise allowing it to produce better and better performance in shorter and shorter time frames. The changes that are most relevant are those that demand companies to redefine their organizations in order to profit from the changes or even just to endure them. Change, such as that which comes with new technology, comes so quickly and frequently that business are forced to develop new organizational models and practices. With the unrelenting evolution of technology, organizational structures have had to be reinvented. No longer do we find the centralized, multi-layered hierarchies that once offered organizations bureaucratic control over employees. Towering organizational structures are now collapsing into flatter pyramids with wider spans of control offering greater flexibility, cost-efficiency, and more interdependent departments capable of rapid action and reaction. As with advances in technology, economic, political, and socio-cultural environments are also faced with swift changes. Unfortunately, such a rapid rate of change can turn an organization†s strengths into its weaknesses. Leaders must now think like change agents, because the issue is not only how new concepts and skills are acquired, but also how to unlearn things that are no longer serving the organization. This means that leaders must carefully examine organizational cultures and then reinvent them to promote and maintain success. The most important thing to understand, however, is that leaders cannot change culture arbitrarily in the sense of eradicating dysfunctional conditions. By evolving culture they can build on its strengths while diminishing its weaknesses. â€Å"Culture is ‘changed†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ through changes in various key concepts in the mental models of people who are the main carriers of the culture. Note, however, that such transformations do not occur through announcements or formal programs. They occur through a genuine change in the leader†s behavior†¦ † If culture cannot be manipulated through hard-core policy changes and formalities, how does a leader gain the loyalty of the organization†s members? How does a leader influence others to voluntarily commit to his or her vision of where the company is going and how it will get there? Robert Rosen, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the George Washington School of Medicine tells us that â€Å"Americans are hungry for new leaders; emotionally intelligent leaders with vision and character who can guide their downsized organizations back to health and high performance. However, before they are willing to go through the growing pains of organizational changes, employees want to and must see that the leader is willing to â€Å"walk the talk! † The path of a leader is one of a trailblazer. Forging new ideas, concepts, and theories to raise the success level of those he or she is leading. Throughout history, there have been many leaders who have fundamentally changed the way the world viewed things such as freedom, politics, and the importance of forgiveness. These magnetic individuals are able to draw out not only their own magnificence, but also that of those who follow them. Within their skills to lead, they cultivate others† abilities to rise above their difficulties and self-doubts. Leaders of truly positive change can breath life back into an organization that is on the edge of collapsing. With their abilities to instill values that reflect courage and respect in their followers, they also are more than willing to share in their visions for the future. If a leader truly wants to transform an organization that can and will endure the inevitable changes that the future holds, he or she must work to unify its members by building a shared vision with common values and direction. Vision is an essential element of leadership. It is a leader†s image of what the company will produce or provide, where the company is headed to achieve those successes, and how it will arrive there. â€Å"Vision refers to a picture of the future with some implicit or explicit commentary on why people should strive to create that future. † It is also â€Å"†¦ the [intuitive] ability to see the potential in or necessity of opportunities right in front of you. † Vision is necessary to clarify the necessity and actions of organizational changes. When people understand why they are going in a certain direction and they fundamentally agree with it, they are much more motivated and willing to put in the work it takes to see a leader†s vision materialize. â€Å"†¦ the real power of a vision is unleashed only when most of those involved in an enterprise or activity have a common understanding of its goals and direction. † When a journalist inquired about the remarkable success of the Hewlett-Packard corporation, David Packard spoke only in terms of the â€Å"†¦ ttributes of immense operating freedom within well-defined objectives, the pay-as you-go policy that enforces entrepreneurial discipline, the critical decision to enable all employees to share in the company†s financial success. † These organizational attributes are not just simple choices made to see if the organization†s members would use them to assist the company in its successes; they are carefully thought out plans that began as someone†s vision as to how the company could flourish through its people. To companies whose leaders mobilize their people and unleash their competence, creativity, and commitments, success is almost sure to follow. Once a leader has formed, articulated, and shared with the other members of the organization his or her visions for the future, those other people will be watching very closely to see just how much conviction the leader has in those visions. They expect leaders to show up, to pay attention, and to participate directly in the process of getting extraordinary things done. Leading by example is how leaders make visions and values tangible. It is how they provide the evidence that they are personally committed. That evidence is what people look for and admire in leaders, people whose direction they would willingly follow. This makes credibility a very important attribute that people look for in a successful leader. Those looking to a leader need to believe in that person; that he or she can be trusted; that he or she is truly excited about the direction that the company†s heading. People expect their leaders to stand for something and to have the courage of their beliefs. It is also equally as important for the leader to know that his or her credibility is not being challenged. Leaders believe their personal credibility is more important than their formal position of power. Credibility is what they think enables them to inspire confidence among the people they must influence to take initiative and personal risk. The best leaders show their personal credibility both in what they have accomplished and in what they know about the change task at hand. Courage is another primary attribute of a successful leader. One of the greatest challenges for leaders of change is to develop the personal skills that are necessary to effectively generate and cultivate courage, in themselves as well as those around them. â€Å"They recognize that courage is really about making the connection between what†s changing in the business world and what needs to change in their personal behaviors. They also recognize that personal change offers far more potential rewards than sticking with the status quo. As the hallmark of a true leader, courage is necessary to take risks, to create a vision, to empower others, and to challenge the current conditions of any situation. In The Art of War, Sun Tzu said: â€Å"Leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humanness, courage, and sternness. † The most essential aspect of how the leaders of the next century will sustain their companies is the continual facilitation of the people within their organizations as the primary factor for success. Although empowerment has become somewhat of a â€Å"buzz† word within the business arena, it†s power is nonetheless stronger than any other tool used by leaders to get results from people. Because in its most simple form, empowerment is sharing the decision-making process with others, it is closely related to courage. Those companies that have stood the test of time, such as Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, Nordstrom, and Wal-Mart have infused into their organizations the practices of empowering their employees. Leaders of the future must have the strength and fearlessness to go against the grain of old assumptions or paradigms. They must continue to trailblaze in their efforts to see that the organizations of the next century will remain in tact. They will be the encouragers of change for positive results; they will be the beacons that the others look to guide the ship through any storm; they will hold their heads high in recognition of success and have the courage to admit when outcomes are not what they had planned. Tomorrow†s leaders of change rise to the occasion and take the others with them.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Environmental Health and Safety

1) Discuss what may constitute improper practices for the disposal of trash (solid wastes), particularly hazardous wastes. 2) Describe the human health problems that could occur if trash (solid wastes), particularly hazardous waste, is improperly disposed off in your community. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)—more commonly known as trash or garbage—consists of everyday items we use and then throw away, such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries.This comes from our homes, schools, hospitals, and businesses (Municipal Solid Waste, 2013). There are many ways that constitute improper practices for the disposal of trash (solid waste). Some of the ways include: throwing it on the street, flushing down the toilet, sink or drain and in some cases throwing it directly into a body of water. When flushed down a toilet, sink or drain, household hazardous waste goes through the sewage system to trea tment plants not equipped to handle hazardous waste.At treatment plants, hazardous waste interferes with the biological treatment process by killing bacteria and contaminating the effluent that runs into the ocean. When hazardous waste is thrown on the street, it goes down storm drains leading into our area waterways, impacting the Pacific Ocean, our lakes, and our local beaches. Improper use, storage and disposal of household hazardous products can potentially harm our families, children, and pets, pollute our neighborhoods and contaminate our ground, water and air. When thrown in with the regular trash, household hazardous waste can injure sanitation workers.In addition, the hazardous waste may end up in landfills not intended or permitted for those types of wastes which could in turn impact groundwater. When poured on the ground, household hazardous waste may seep into and contaminate our groundwater or the ocean we swim in. Chemicals affect our everyday lives. They are used to p roduce almost everything we use, from paper and plastics to medicines and food to gasoline, steel, and electronic equipment. More than 70,000 chemicals are used regularly around the world. Some occur naturally in the earth or atmosphere; others are synthetic, or human-made.When we use and dispose of them properly, they may enhance our quality of life. But when we use or dispose of them improperly, they can have harmful effects on humans, plants, and animals. (Hazardous Substances and Hazardous Waste, 2011). When hazardous wastes are released in the air, water, or on the land they can spread, contaminating even more of the environment and posing greater threats to our health. For example, when rain falls on soil at a waste site, it can carry hazardous waste deeper into the ground and the underlying groundwater. Environmental Health and Safety 1) Discuss what may constitute improper practices for the disposal of trash (solid wastes), particularly hazardous wastes. 2) Describe the human health problems that could occur if trash (solid wastes), particularly hazardous waste, is improperly disposed off in your community.Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)—more commonly known as trash or garbage—consists of everyday items we use and then throw away, such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries. This comes from our homes, schools, hospitals, and businesses (Municipal Solid Waste, 2013). There are many ways that constitute improper practices for the disposal of trash (solid waste). Some of the ways include: throwing it on the street, flushing down the toilet, sink or drain and in some cases throwing it directly into a body of water.When flushed down a toilet, sink or drain, household hazardous waste goes through the sewage system to treat ment plants not equipped to handle hazardous waste. At treatment plants, hazardous waste interferes with the biological treatment process by killing bacteria and contaminating the effluent that runs into the ocean. When hazardous waste is thrown on the street, it goes down storm drains leading into our area waterways, impacting the Pacific Ocean, our lakes, and our local beaches.Improper use, storage and disposal of household hazardous products can potentially harm our families, children, and pets, pollute our neighborhoods and contaminate our ground, water and air. When thrown in with the regular trash, household hazardous waste can injure sanitation workers. In addition, the hazardous waste may end up in landfills not intended or permitted for those types of wastes which could in turn impact groundwater. When poured on the ground, household hazardous waste may seep into and contaminate our groundwater or the ocean we swim in.Chemicals affect our everyday lives. They are used to pr oduce almost everything we use, from paper and plastics to medicines and food to gasoline, steel, and electronic equipment. More than 70,000 chemicals are used regularly around the world. Some occur naturally in the earth or atmosphere; others are synthetic, or human-made. When we use and dispose of them properly, they may enhance our quality of life.But when we use or  dispose of them improperly, they can have harmful effects on humans, plants, and animals. (Hazardous Substances and Hazardous Waste, 2011). When hazardous wastes are released in the air, water, or on the land they can spread, contaminating even more of the environment and posing greater threats to our health. For example, when rain falls on soil at a waste site, it can carry hazardous waste deeper into the ground and the underlying groundwater.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Choosing one perspective, either interpretivist or positivist, explain Essay

Choosing one perspective, either interpretivist or positivist, explain and critically evaluate the impact of adopting this pe - Essay Example Methodology refers to the specific methods that can be used to understand the world. Both epistemology and methodology are closely related, the former refers to the philosophy of how we come to know the world and the latter involves the practice (Trochim). Positivism assumes an objective world hence it often searches for facts conceived in terms of specified correlations and associations among variables (Gephart). Positivism is a position that holds that the goal of knowledge is simply to describe the phenomena that we experience (Trochim). The purpose of science according to positivists is to observe and measure. According to positivists, science is the method to get truth, to understand the world, to predict and control the world. The universe is deterministic and they are governed by the rules of cause and effect. This could be understood by using the scientific method. In positivism, deductive method is used for postulating theories. Based on the results, theory is revised to bet ter predict reality (Trochim). The positivists emphasised on empiricism -- the idea that observation and measurement was the core of the scientific endeavour (Trochim). They believed that natural laws could be discerned through direct manipulation and observation. The positivists believe that a phenomenon could be observed and described without interfering with it. They also believe that the observations are repeatable. This is possible by manipulation of reality with variations in only a single independent variable so as to identify regularities in, and to form relationships between, some of the constituent elements of the social world (Chapter Three: Research Methodology). Predictions can also be made on the basis of previous observations and interrelationships between variables. The six tenets of positivism are the following (Positivism) Tenet Meaning Naturalism The principles of the natural sciences should be used for social science. Phenomenalism Only observable phenomena provi de valid information. Nominalism Words of scientific value have fixed and single meanings. The existence of a word does not imply the existence of what it describes. Atomism Things can be studied by reducing them to their smallest parts (and the whole is the sum of the parts). Scientific laws The goal of science is to create generalised laws (which are useful for such as prediction). Facts and values Facts are to sought. Values have no meaning for science. Â  Positivism has a long historical tradition. Often, knowledge not based on positivist thought is not accepted as correct. Most of the empirical studies are based on positivist approach. Positivism was a great success in physical and natural sciences. Positivist tradition can be traced to ancient Greek thinkers Plato and Aristotle. After dark periods in European history, the renaissance came in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Well known positivists were Bacon, Descartes, Mill, Durkheim, Russell and Popper. Positivism gives emphasis on experiments. Experiments help the researcher to identify the relationship between variables. By using quantitative analytical techniques, generalisations can also be made that reflect real life situation. Surveys help researcher to collect data at one point of time. Information about various practices or views can be collected through questionnaires and interviews. To draw inferences

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminal law - Essay Example 9). As it seems, Carlan et al. essentially categorize two key elements that comprise the notion of felony: (1) crime and (2) punishment. First, felony is considered as a crime. And one of the three components of the term â€Å"crime† is that it is a â€Å"commission of an act prohibited by law† (Carlan et al., 2011, p. 8). In contrast to thought or imagining, a crime is an act in itself. (An intention to commit crime is arguably another element of crime.) A person commits a crime only if he or she does something that is contrary to law. Examples of crime under the felony classification are manslaughter, murder, and rape (Sanbar, 2007, p. 517). And second, felony constitutes a punishment. Besides death penalty, the salient feature of punishment under felony is the imprisonment of one year or more. Misdemeanor is another classification of crime. As opposed to felony, the concept of misdemeanor is broadly defined as a crime â€Å"lower than a felony and is generally punis hable by fine or imprisonment† (as cited in Siegel, 2008, p. 143). Meaning to say, misdemeanor is far from being a serious crime and, thus, its punishment is somewhat mild -- in particular, imprisonment as a punishment is usually less than a year. Further, misdemeanor has many scales of seriousness -- e.g., petty and gross misdemeanors. The main difference between the notions of misdemeanor and felony is the seriousness of the crime. Siegel (2008) provides an example by stating that hitting someone with a fist is categorically a misdemeanor while hitting a person with a club is considered as a felony (p. 146). Evidently, both cases (i.e., hitting) are crimes punishable by law. Nevertheless, they vary largely in the approach of committing the crime. The term â€Å"offense† such as petty offense is generally viewed as a subset of misdemeanor classification (Miller & Jentz, 2008, p. 182). Miller and Jentz (2008) define this legal concept as a minor violation; examples of p etty offences are jaywalking, violation of building code, among other offenses (p. 182). Obviously, offences are far from being a serious crime. What is interesting, though, about a petty offence is that it is considered as a crime. Indeed, the willful violation of following the standard building code is a crime. It must be noted that a national building code is a law per se. Carlan et al. (2011) argued that one of the elements of a crime is the â€Å"omission of an act required by law† (p. 8). Thus, the omission of incorporating the guidelines, which are stipulated in the building code, in the design structure is, by definition, a crime. Treason and espionage are both crimes directed against national security (Scheb, 2009, p. 320). Despite their similarity, nonetheless, the notions of treason and espionage are substantially distinct. On one hand, the term â€Å"treason† is categorized as a serious crime committed when one levies â€Å"war against them† or adher es to their enemies such as â€Å"giving them aid and comfort† (as cited in Scheb, 2009, p. 320). That is to say, a person commits treason when he or she helps the enemy of the country in which he or she lives or serves. Scheb observes that no person has been tried and convicted of treason since the World War II. In spite of the misconception of treason verdict, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted not of treason but of espionage. On the other hand, the term â€Å"

Saturday, July 27, 2019

International decorative glass Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

International decorative glass - Essay Example I will view the results and properly document them for further research and reference. Wound healing is mainly defined as the body’s natural process, which lies in regeneration of dermal and epidermal tissue. After a person receives some sort of injury or a wound several events take place in the individual’s body to heal the wound and repair the damage. It should be kept in mind that these events should not necessarily be consecutive. Sometimes they overlap in the course of time /Stadelmann, Digenis & Tobin , 1998; Iba., Shibata, Kato & Masukawa, 2004/. I’m interested in all these steps and the influence of the phytochemicals into the wound healing in all the steps. That’s why I would like to briefly outline the processes, which take place on all the stages of the wound. The first phase - the inflammatory process – bacteria and debris are phagocytized and removed. Due to this the factors, which are the causes of migration and division of cells, are released. The next step is known as the proliferative phase. It is characterised by the following processes - angiogenesis, collagen deposition, granulation tissue formation, epithelialization, and wound contraction /Midwood, Williams & Schwarzbauer, 2004/. In the course of the angiogenesis stage new blood vessels appear from endothelial cells /Chang., Sneddon, Alizadeh, Sood, West, Montgomery, Chi, van de Rijn, Botstein, Brown, 2004/. After that there comes a new stage of fibroplasia and granulation tissue formation, where fibroblasts grow and create a new, provisional extracellular matrix (ECM) by disgorging collagen and fibronectin /Midwood, Williams & Schwarzbauer, 2004/. In epithelialization stage epithelial cells advance to the wound bed in order to cover it /Garg, 2000/. Finally due to the previous process there begins the stage of contraction, in the course of which the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cognitive and Human Performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cognitive and Human Performance - Assignment Example In this specific situation, MENTAL IMAGE is used. In order for me to tell you where my alarm clock stays in my bedroom and how it is angled relative to my bed, I need to create a mental picture or visualization of my room. 4. You are looking to purchase a hybrid car the runs on fuel and electricity. Your friend excitedly tells you about a new Toyota model. However, based on her description, you immediately recognize that it’s not a hybrid. SCHEMA is being used in this specific situation. Since my friend’s description of the â€Å"New Toyota Model† contradicted what you know about it or your â€Å"prior knowledge† on the description of a hybrid car, you concluded that she is not talking about a hybrid car. In order to explain how does it work, I need to know that if ever I’ll be sending my friend in Spain an email, most probably, my friend will receive it â€Å"real time†. Since I’ll be using prior knowledge to explain it, SCHEMA is used in this situation. Gentner and Stevens’ Mental Model (1983) proposes that Mental Models provide humans with information on how physical system works. In this specific situation, my friend rationalized that she started experiencing migraines since she drank red wine four days ago, thus, she uses MENTAL MODEL however she does not know the scientific explanation why her body reacted that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Essay 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

3 - Essay Example Siddhartha Gautama was the pioneer of Buddhism and the religion is based on psychological expressions and representations like yoga. The religion is based on several doctrines. Some of these doctrines are the four noble truths, eight-fold path, and ideas of impermanence and anatman The four noble truths are; life is characterized by suffering, suffering is caused by desire or grasping, cease grasping and follow the eight-fold path. The eight-fold path consists of right view, right intention, right speech, right actions, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. Impermanence and anatman relies on the understanding that everything fluctuates and it is dependent upon everything else. During its spread in Asia, Buddhism blended with other cultures in Korea, China and Japan. In China, Buddhists absorbed some sections of Daoism and Confucian religion. In Japan, Buddhism has several denominations like Tendai, Pure Land, Nichiren, Shingon and Zen. In Korea, Buddhism has been absorbed in other religions such as indigenous shamanism, new religions, Christianity, Confucianism and Daoism. Muslims use one sacred book called the Holy Qur’an and the Buddhists use several sacred books. Buddhists concentrate more on the psychological wellbeing than the spiritual wellbeing. In Buddhism, spirituality is attained one when dies and your actions determine what you shall gain. On the other hand, Muslims’ spirituality wellness in the world is the key to attaining eternity. What happens after death is explained differently in each case. Buddhists believe that every being will undergo cycles of transformation according to their actions into other beings. In contrast, Muslims believe that there will be paradise after death, no transformation into other beings will occur. A creator does not exist in Buddhism, existence of such means suffering

Building a Foundation for the Persuasive Speech Essay

Building a Foundation for the Persuasive Speech - Essay Example A speech that is accompanied by evidence drawn from credible sources helps to improve its credibility. In this case, I will utilize credible sources that can also be easily accessed by the targeted audiences to that they can prove or refute my claims on their own. Essentially, I will strive to use the best sources in order to convince the speakers about the subject presented. A successful speech is capable of keeping the audience thinking and learning about the topic presented. I will achieve this through appealing to the emotions of the people so that they can use their intellect to think deeply about the topic. I will present current evidence drawn from the media in order to comprehend my argument. This will help the targeted audiences to keep on thinking and learning about the topic presented. The third aspect I will take into consideration when building my speech is to ensure creativity. I will carefully develop my speech in a creative way such that it would appeal to the interests of the targeted people instead of presenting it as a plain speech. I will add some humour in the speech in order to avoid monotony. I am convinced that the speaker should avoid boring the listeners since they would easily lose interest in the speech. The fourth step I will take into consideration is to demonstrate that this topic is relevant to the audiences’ needs and interests. The portrayal of women in different media has a significant impact on their behaviour and these images cannot be ignored. I need to demonstrate to the targeted audiences that the media is a powerful tool and it can significantly influence the behaviour of the people in many ways. This topic is relevant to the targeted people since they often find themselves developing negative perceptions about their own appearances. The main reason is that their attitude has been changed by the media but the truth is that these people only need to be self confident. The fifth step I will take into

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tell how stepping outside of your comfort zone taken you on an Essay

Tell how stepping outside of your comfort zone taken you on an unexpected path to change your life. Also tell about a childhood event that you feel has most sh - Essay Example Many of the men and women involved in these construction efforts are community volunteers. Several years ago, my long-time acquaintance, "Thomas" suggested that we volunteer for a specific project, which involved a rapid construction of a two-bedroom dwelling. My initial response to his request was quite negative, offering an argument that such an activity is only suited for skilled laborers. After an extended period of disagreement, I finally relented and allowed Thomas to sign us up as contributors to the project as one-day only volunteers. Thomas and I showed up for "duty" on the final day of construction, when the kitchen flooring, cabinetry, and other finishing touches were being accomplished. We were each assigned a partner and given multiple tasks to perform. Throughout the course of this extremely arduous day, I learned valuable skills such as how to install countertops and how to lay ceramic tile. I realized the importance of do-it-yourself knowledge as it provides a broader set of skills which can be applied to everyday living. However, my learning consisted of much more than just a fundamental knowledge of home improvement. On that day, the future owner of the home came to inspect the property with her two small children. Armed with cookies, tears, and excessive gratitude, this woman made an effort to embrace the entire volunteer staff and express that the home would take her life from destitution to an opportunity for hope and a future for her children. I realized instantly that my minimal volunteer efforts had made a tremendous impact in the life of a hardened family. In one day, I learned the long-term value of compassion and community relations. This ties in with an event which I experienced as a child that fundamentally changed my viewpoint about caring. My long-time friend, "Jessica", had invited me over for our usual playtime. On this particular

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Export Managing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Export Managing - Assignment Example Description in promotion and internalization" of Sheep artisan cheese as a "Niche original product" is based on less import limitations of USFDA in such Diary products. Also, an environmental analysis of the Importer of Artisan cheeses on US Diary market (competitors) will be explored through available official data base from State resources, National Chambers and Foundations as ought to relevant publications. Therefore this "Paper" would try with theoretical conclusion to find out the most acceptable marketing strategy as a part of export management to increase import of FYROM's Artisan Cheese to the USA. Introduction The current market status of the firm would be checked and a thorough screening shall be done for any potential that there exists for the firm to penetrate deeper into the U.S economy because this is the strategic goal of the countries consortium. This goal was also supported by the U.S because it was in their long term interest that the farming sector be given a boost and also some NGO's came forward to support the cause but these NGO's were heavily funded by the USAID. Although the first shipment (2004) was very figurative it was a sign that still a small country as FYROM is, can be able to develop export on a very specific, but for the country, agro-industrial important segment. Also, aware of the experience of our neighbors, (Greece and Bulgaria) it was an argument for an opportunity to have and outcome in export for the traditional part of agribusiness of the country. The "case" will include a presentation of a theory how a consortium can go "international" if it apply a good marketing plan and...Description in promotion and internalization" of Sheep artisan cheese as a "Niche original product" is based on less import limitations of USFDA in such Diary products. Also, an environmental analysis of the Importer of Artisan cheeses on US Diary market (competitors) will be explored through available official data base from State resources, National Chambers and Foundations as ought to relevant publications. The current market status of the firm would be checked and a thorough screening shall be done for any potential that there exists for the firm to penetrate deeper into the U.S economy because this is the strategic goal of the countries consortium. This goal was also supported by the U.S because it was in their long term interest that the farming sector be given a boost and also some NGO's came forward to support the cause but these NGO's were heavily funded by the USAID. Although the first shipment (2004) was very figurative it was a sign that still a small country as FYROM is, can be able to develop export on a very specific, but for the country, agro-industrial important segment. Also, aware of the experience of our neighbors, (Greece and Bulgaria) it was an argument for an opportunity to have and outcome in export for the traditional part of agribusiness of the country. The "case" will include a presentation of a theory how a consortium can go "international" if it apply a good marketing plan and export ma

Monday, July 22, 2019

Theories of Motivation and Relative Needs Essay Example for Free

Theories of Motivation and Relative Needs Essay When an employee is underperforming, the employee runs the risk of setting in motion a ripple effect that will harm the greater whole of the network that comprises the field in which he or she is performing. In other words, a poorly motivated and poor performing employee can lead to a â€Å"contagion† that will dramatically effect the performance of other employees. In certain environments, this can be catastrophic. If one is to examine the example of a surgical environment, an underperforming employee can not be tolerated. There are a number of ways that such underperformance can be addressed, the worst of which being utilizing an authoritarian, draconian means of reversing poor performance. Such a method is a mistake. Usually, when an employee is slacking or performing below expectations, it is not terribly difficult to reverse the negative trend provided a decent manner in which to coax a better performance is used. Far too often, a supervisory will try and coax a better performance out of an employee by way of dropping an authoritarian hammer on the person. While this may work in the short term, it ultimately backfires as the moral of the employee hits an all time low and eventually returns to a substandard level of performance that is next to impossible to reverse. Even worse, the employee may become single focused on just doing the bare minimum of acceptable standards and getting the   employee to increase an average performance is much more difficult that increasing substandard performance as â€Å"average† is something the employee can usually get away with. (Hence, the reason why the employee will steer himself towards the safety net of ‘average.’) Under Maslow’s HIERARCHY OF NEEDS, one of the spheres of needs is that of self esteem needs. Under this theory, it is suggested for a person to feel a sense of self worth, there needs to be an emphasis in the person’s life on either professional or hobbyist pursuits to where the person places a great deal of said emphasis on things the person is talented. In other words, by taking a great deal of self esteem from duties and tasks one performs well will keep a person motivated to continually perform better. When the person is removed from tasks that the person has exceptional talent, then the person will suffer from a lessoning of self esteem. This eventually will set in motion a decline in performance as the person is not able to measure up to professional standards as the duties and tasks the person is assigned are outside of the scope of the individual’s talent. This is why it is exceptionally important that those assigning duties and tasks to an employee must make sure that the employee’s strengths are being played to. If not, the person will start to suffer from a loss of self esteem and that will be soon followed by a drop in motivation. When it comes to an employee who works in the healthcare field, particularly in surgery related duties, there is an underlying factor that can undermine motivation: burnout. Such a career and field is a very high pressure field and requires a great deal of time commitments in order for the employee to function effectively. Such commitment can erode a person’s enthusiasm which ultimately will lead to reduced or poor performance. The key to reversing such a trend will involve using Maslow’s self esteem and self actualization principles in order to reverse the negative trend and performance. In one case, there was an employee named ‘Liza’ who started to severely slack on her job duties as a surgical nurse. She had always previously performed at exceptional levels, but her recent performances were decidedly lacking. It seemed as if she was on the verge of quitting. In order to help Liza turn her performance around, what needed to be undertaken was a means of boosting her self esteem so she could recapture the fire that she once had when it can to performing her duties and tasks. At the base of this was the need to determine what it was that was leading to the reduced performance. The reason that Liza’s job performance was suffering was because she was not able to balance the long hours at the hospital with the complexities of her family life. This was creating a feeling of being overwhelmed and it cut into her ability to think clearly. To counteract this problem, Liza was assigned a mentor who had faced similar problems in the past. The mentor was able to slowly work Liza through what had been troubling her and provided her with tips and ideas on how to balance her professional and home life. While the results were not overly dramatic, there was progress made. When Liza realized that the tips and oversight her mentor was providing were helping her job performance increase, Liza began to experience a renewed sense of self worth. The reason for this is that her self esteem had increased because she finally realized that it was within her own power to reverse the negativities. (To a degree, this is similar to Maslow’s vision of self actualization) So, it can be said that providing a mentor with the express purpose of helping to build up an employee’s formerly lost self esteem can work wonders in terms of providing motivation for an employee who is seemingly drifting in and out of interest with his/her profession.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Use Of Music By Thomas Newman Film Studies Essay

Use Of Music By Thomas Newman Film Studies Essay Since the advent of silent cinema in the late 1800s (Prendergast 1992), the film industry has grown into a global powerhouse contributing over  £4.5bn to the UK economy last year alone (Oxford Economics 2010). Initially used in 1895 to drown out theatre projector noise, music has become a vital ingredient in the cinematic experience with composition to film developing as a narrative art form in its own right (Burt 1994, Prendergast 1992). The Hollywood film industry accounts for the largest market share of box office ticket and DVD sales worldwide, and as such is the dominant trend setter in film composition (World Film Market Trends 2009). The golden era of Hollywood scoring began in the 1930s when many European composers fled an increasingly Nazified Europe to the USA. They took with them a rich classical European heritage (Chihara 2010, Lochner 2009) and many acquired work as film composers, in turn defining the Hollywood sound. The orchestral score dominated Hollywood until the 1960s when technological developments (e.g. close miking, synthesisers, multi-tracking) and alternative stylistic approaches (e.g. jazz, rock n roll) allowed for a new pallet of sounds to be utilised in the compositional process (Burt 1994, Chihara 2010). In 1977 the traditional Hollywood sound made a dramatic comeback with the release of Star Wars (Chihara 2010). John Williams Wagnerian score had its roots firmly set in the golden era, and as the films success sky-rocketed the orchestral soundtrack became increasingly desirable to directors. Other composers followed Williams lead, and the style of the golden era was repositioned as a standard in the industry (Clemmensen 2005, Prendergast 1992, Rona 2000). Whilst Hollywoods A-list composers were sticking to their traditionalist guns, the 1990s saw a new breed of composer gaining a foothold in the industry. Using ethnic instruments, sampling techniques and sound design alongside the traditional orchestra, the creative pallet broadened and film scoring entered a new phase postmodernism, which dominates today (Chihara 2010, Rona 2000). The current trends in film scoring are likely to continue for the foreseeable future, with composers such as Hans Zimmer (Gladiator, Batman Begins), James Horner (Titanic, Avatar), Marco Beltrami (3:10 to Yuma, The Hurt Locker) and Thomas Newman (American Beauty, The Shawshank Redemption) receiving academy awards and nominations for their work (Academy Awards Database 2010, Rona 2000). Thomas Newman in particular is revered as a pioneer of the modern Hollywood sound. Having composed some of the most memorable and successful film music of the last 20 years, he has rewritten the rules on film composition and is regarded by his peers as a true master of the art (Cassidy 2010, Nonesuch Records 2010). His scores are renowned for their uniqueness and inventiveness, with an emphasis on textural sounds, unusual instruments and rhythmic movement, and are instantly recognisable. His style is characterised by blends of synthetic, abstract and acoustic, percussion and a particular harmonic signature. He supports a films narrative by revealing and blending these layers, much in the way of theme variations and leitmotifs in more traditional cinema. His scores are generally subtle and rarely distract from the film, but away from the intended setting his work often fails to stand up as music in its own right (Mok 2000, Rona 2000). Newmans instrumental pallet varies dramatically from project to project, and is specifically catered to the needs of each film. For example, the score for quirky suburban drama American Beauty uses marimba, xylophone, dulcimer, detuned mandolin, tabla and ewi. Whilst this may seem a little unusual (given the films setting), the instrumentation is extremely well suited to the different characters and their individual personalities (Cassidy 2010, Clemmensen 2005). In contrast, his score for the hit Pixar animation Wall-E utilises an orchestra (with particular emphasis on harp), electric bass, a host of odd percussion instruments and many synthetic mechanical sounds. The overall sound is jaunty and sparse but sits perfectly with the robotic narrative of the film. Although American Beauty and Wall-E are totally different films with very unique scores, they are easily identifiable as Newmans work. Objectives and Methodology By investigating Newmans musical narratives across a range of stylistic and technical approaches, the author will develop a firm understanding of the techniques Newman utilises (orchestration, harmony, texture, synthesis, experimentation and so on) and how they characterise his scores so strongly. An in depth examination of Newmans work will provide the author, and readers with a rare insight into the creative processes employed by of one of the worlds top film composers. As such the author feels that the conclusions drawn from the investigation will be directly, and beneficially applicable to all future composition practice he may undertake (whether for film, TV or other narrative based projects). The author will investigate a dynamic cross section of Newmans film scores American Beauty, Finding Nemo, The Shawshank Redemption and Wall-E. The films have been chosen for their diversity in narrative and genre, thus allowing for analysis which encompasses the full scope of the composers work. In addition, Finding Nemo and Wall-E are animations. If any major compositional similarities are discovered in these films, the author will further investigate Newmans approach to define how, through what methods and why he has composed with such similarities. Much of the authors argument will be synthesised by applying theories and analytical techniques derived from texts by leading film music analysts to the context of Newmans scores. These sources include Film Music a Neglected Art by Roy M Prendergast, Narrative Film Music by Claudia Gorbman and The Art of Film Music by Ben Burt. Interviews with Newman will be used to justify the points made and all arguments will be well balanced with reference to multiple sources.

Situational Analysis And Imc Objective Marketing Essay

Situational Analysis And Imc Objective Marketing Essay By referring to Jacobs website, Jacobs is a brand names which well-known for quality and whole meal biscuits and their reputation that has already existed over few generations. Jacobs success can be attributed to the companys high standards in manufacturing best quality of biscuits, its continuous research and product development, and its commitment to ensure that its product are suit to the changing of consumer needs, taste buds, and lifestyles. Over the years, range of products of Jacobs has grown and changed from a plain cracker to a wide-ranging range of quality crackers and biscuits, including Wheat meal, Cream Cracker, Low Salt Hi-Fibre, Hi-Cal, Hi-Fibre, and Oatmeal biscuits. Jacob is using several ways of IMC strategies to promote its products to consumers. Advertising Referring to Jacobs website, Jacobs Original Cracker mainly advertises on TV channel such as TV 1, TV 2, TV 3, NTV 7, and 8TV. Jacobs advertise with different languages, included Malay, Chinese, and English. By doing this, we can say that Jacob is targeting general group of market which are Malay, Chinese, and English. According to Utusan Malaysia website, Jacobs also advertise on newspaper such as language in Bahasa: Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian. In the newspaper, they are not directly advertising their product; Jacobs providing such as dessert recipe with Jacob cracker and educates consumers the correct ways for consumption. Contest Campaign By referring to the Jacobs website, Jacobs organized contest at the past with the title Jacobs Ibuku Inspirasiku, the prize worth up to RM 300,000. To join the contest, participants first have to gather any Jacobs cracker product that with the promotion label on the packing, minimum of 10 points for one submission. After that, participants have to click on Join Now at the website and fill in the details when prompted and key in the codes on Jacobs products pack to determine the accumulated points. Over the past few years, we can see that Jacobs not only advertising on newspaper and television but also organizing healthy campaign such as in year 2010, Jacobs Walk of Life and Strong Support for 1Malaysia Sihat. Apart from the 5 kilometre walk, participants also enjoyed of continuing booth activities that designed by co-sponsors such as free health check by Selangor State Health Department, free bone health check by Anlene, balloon sculptures, childrens face painting, and childrens inflatable at Kids Fun zone. There were also special performances by popular local artist, Black and One Nation Emcee entertained the crowd with their music. Due to the strong support by peoples in 2010, therefore in year 2011 Jacobs continued to organize the event with the title Jacobs Walk of Life 2011, Pledge to Health Social Media According to the websites of Jacobs, Jacobs is using social media platform, Facebook to communicate with their fans or followers. New information, updates, and sometime Jacobs will share the happiness or interesting news through Facebook. This social media platform allowed customers to interact with the company and its popular now. IMC objective Strengthen image The main objective of Jacobs is to build a strong image of the brand. In the strong competitive market, loyalty of customer is very important in the industry. When there is a strong image, customer will have awareness with and make it as one of the preference. With the higher recognition of the brand, the chances to increase loyal customer is also high. Increase sales Sales are one of the important factor for a company, because the revenue is generate by the sales. Every company will try to archive sales target to have more profits. More profit is needed in order to run a business. Creative Strategy Creative strategy is generally the outcome of a team with one or more copywriters, an art director and a creative director. It is to explain how the advertising campaign will meet the businesss advertising objective. The outline is prepared by the creative team of an advertising agency for the launching of an advertising campaign or message. Creative strategy includes unique selling proposition and emotional selling proposition; both can determine the advertising messages that deliver to target audiences in a creative manner. Unique Selling Proposition Unique selling proposition normally is a critical component of a promotional theme that contributes to the building of an advertising campaign. It states the real or perceived benefit of a product or service and then differentiates from its competitors. This would also affect the buyers purchase intention as it can give its buyer a logical reason. Jacobs using a unique and innovative technique for Jacobs Cream Crackers to remain, the classic cracker brand using the traditional special baking techniques since 1885, to make crackers outside distinctively crispy and the center is slightly softer textured, with a yeasty dough classic flavor. Jacobs product contain wheat, this is a source rich of nutrient, this makes Jacobs cracker position in a healthy food industry. Therefore, Jacobs uses USP to create positive and unique identity in customers mind. (Belch Belch, 2009) Uniqueness Jacobs cream cracker made with whole grains. Grains are grasses that produce edible starchy seeds that can be processes as a source of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber. According to the JACOBs website, foods such as wheat, rice and oat are considered as cereal grains and these cereal grains are high in carbohydrates that provide energy for humans daily activities. Therefore, Jacobs cream cracker also considered as healthy cracker which provides 72mg calories per serving. Jacobs Actimix standard, Jacobs cracker is a 92% wheat cereal, low fat level, no added sugar, coloring, flavoring and preservatives. Whole grain provides nutrients from all parts of the grain. Whole grain must consist of three parts: bran, germ and endosperm. Figure1 below is a graph that cropped from the Jacobs Malaysia website ( that well explains the whole grain and its nutrient consist: C:UsersK3nnyDesktopUntitled.png Figure1 Benefits Jacobs cream crackers mainly consist of 5 ingredients: wheat flour, palm oil, salt, sodium bicarbonate and yeast. Wheat is rich in essential nutrients that offer important health benefits to consumers. It is also a good source of energy from carbohydrates. It contains B-vitamins and minerals to help release energy from carbohydrates. Besides, wheat also contains protein that supports the body building process while fiber that helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. Therefore, by consuming Jacobs cream cracker, consumer can lower the risk of getting several chronic diseases and condition for examples, heart diseases, cancer, diabetes and gastrointestinal troubles. Furthermore, consuming wheat diet also benefits consumers in terms of boosting immunity, bone health and other wellness goals. So, according to the nutrient fact of Jacobs cream cracker, it is not more than 6 grams of fat per serving and it is useful in fat-restricted diets. Potent Jacobs cream crackers are well known for its richness in nutrients and healthiness. Since 1885 until today, Jacobs using the same special baking techniques, to make crackers outside distinctively crispy and the center is slighter softer, together with the classic yeasty dough flavor. In Malaysia, Jacobs cracker was manufactured and produced by Kraft Food Malaysia. Kraft was awarded the Prime Minister Award during year 1993 for the quality biscuit standard. This would increase the purchasers confident towards Jacobs cream cracker. DRIP Framework Differentiation Jacobs cream cracker position itself as healthy cracker which it is made with wheat flours. Therefore, Jacobs cracker can be taken as a source of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fiber. It also stated that Jacobs cracker containing Actimix. The USP allows Jacobs to differentiation itself from other competitor with the nutrients and healthy fact. Furthermore, Jacobs in under the Kraft Food Malaysia, the quality of cracker can be assured. Reinforce Jacobs cream cracker is healthy and nutritious that can provides energy for daily activities. Besides that, Jacobs also come out with more range of crackers. For examples: High-iron, Hi-Fiber, Low-Salt, Hi-Calcium and etc. This can fulfill the different needs of nutrients by consumers. Jacobs can emphasize more on nutrients and healthy lifestyle information to consumers. Inform Jacobs mainly advertises in television and newspaper. The advertisement is created to build awareness of audience and reader. Besides, Jacobs also having a Facebook Page called Jacobs Malaysia. It is a platform for Jacobs to share information of its products and also let its consumers to share their experience on consuming Jacobs cracker. Moreover, Jacobs also organize special games and activities such as Jacobs Walk of Life. Participants that complete the walk will be given a gift bag with Jacobs products. This is also a form of introducing Jacobs cracker and building healthy brand images for Jacobs. Persuade Jacobs emphasize on the crackers nutrients and healthy facts. Besides, Jacobs cracker contain Actimix is a great cracker that made up of 92% complex carbohydrate and provide consumers energy to meet the demand of the day. It is also specially formulated to provide low fat per serving, suitable for fat restricted diets. Therefore, Jacobs can strengthen or concentrate on this point when communicate with audience. Those who concern on healthy meal and lifestyle will attract by Jacobs cracker because it is made by wheat and contain a lot nutrients that needed by human being. Media Planning Strategy Media planning is a series of decisions that involved the delivering of promotional message to target audience. This set a direction to guide the strategy formulation of media such as broadcast, print, promotion, public relationship and other relevant media strategies. Therefore, media planning and strategy can assist Jacobs in determining the best way to reach their target audience. Jacobs media objective is to deliver the information of Jacobs cracker can help consumers to maintain their health and live a healthy lifestyle. So, media strategy will be formulated to achieve the media objective set through various media such as broadcast and print. Target Market/ Audience Jacobs focus on psychographic, people who concern on health issues and want to live a healthy lifestyle will be targeted. This group of people highly demands for healthy meal and snacks. Foods that they consume must be rich in nutrients and can benefits for their health. As Jacobs cracker contains rich nutrients, this would best suitable to consume by this group of people. Next, for the demographic segment, there is no restriction for age and gender. No matter male or female kids, teenagers, adults or golden citizens, all of them can consume the Jacobs crackers. Besides, Jacobs cracker is healthy and good quality it will be sold at medium price level. Therefore, medium level income group are targeted by Jacobs. In Malaysia, income amount between the ranges from RM2500 RM5000 will be considered as middle income group. This is the group can afford our products. Scheduling Jacobs can schedule its advertising in reaching their consumers through various media. There are 3 types of scheduling method which are continuity, flight and pulsing. Continuity means advertise evenly throughout the year while flight mean advertise in certain months that contain festival or event. Moreover, pulsing scheduling is the combination of continuity and flight. Since Jacobs cracker can be a daily consume product, it should adopt the continuity scheduling. In continuity scheduling, advertisement is continually maintained to send information and communicate with the target audiences. This is to keep target audiences aware of the brand and product and also promote product that newly launched. Advertisements that contain promotion, new product or contest will be spread evenly during every month. This would require a good amount of budget to adopt continuity scheduling. Broadcast media After all the steps, budget consideration is important in deciding and developing media strategy for various media. First of all, broadcast media will be the primary media for advertising Jacobs cracker. For Television advertising, TV channels such as Discovery Home and Health (channel 733), Asian Food Channel (channel 703), Food Network Asia HD (channel 727), TV 3, NTV7, 8TV and ASTRO would best to display Jacobs advertisement. It would spend a large amount to advertise in TV channels during prime time which means from 6 to 9 evening. Advertising on this time is effective in reaching target audiences because people normally will stay together with family for dinner and most of the people will have television switched on during their dinner time. Furthermore, the current TVC is using a family concept with caring to promote the Jacobs cracker. This does not contain much creativity because current and previous TVC also using the same concept. To avoid boredom of TVC, it should be more creative situation and ways to be used in future new TVC. Besides TVC, Jacobs also can use radio to advertise. Healthy people usually wake up early, so the suggested air time will be in the morning. Also, working group need breakfast for starting their day. Therefore, advertise during the morning session is more likely to be an effective way. Print media Next, print media such as magazines, newspaper also another media for Jacobs advertisement placement. Health issue related magazines such as Health Fitness Enthusiast magazine will the best to place Jacobs cracker advertisement. Normally health conscious group and healthy lifestyle maintainers will keep themselves update by purchasing health magazines. They concern on health issues, therefore the presence of Jacobs ad can easily attract their attention. Newspapers such as Sin Chew, The Star and Utusan Malaysia with different languages Chinese, English and Malay respectively are also suitable to place in Jacobs cracker advertisement. This is because newspapers are also an effective ways to reach different races of target audiences. Sales Promotions Jacobs can do promotion with different promotion techniques to attract purchasers. One of the promotion techniques will be pack 2 or more Jacobs cream cracker pack together to create a value pack and sell at a price. This value pack price normally is lower price than buy separately. Therefore, such promotion can attract and influence target audiences purchase intention. Moreover, Jacobs can increase the normal packing volume. For example, enlarge the packing volume from 800g to 850g, additional 50g added. This can considered as bonus packing that offer extra crackers but charged at normal price. Public Relation Publicity Jacobs can organize campaigns and events or roadshow to communicate with the public. Information of product or company can be delivered during the events. Besides, Jacobs can allocate a budget for sponsorship of events, for examples: exhibition and contests. Jacobs will be able to create brand awareness and high exposure by placing banners around the sponsor events venue. Others Billboard advertising usually is a large outdoor advertising structure, normally found along the side of highway, for example: PLUS highway. Billboard advertising is designed to grab audiences attention and create impression in their mind, leaving them think about the advertisement (Belch Belch, 2009). Transits advertising normally use in the cities with high volume of public transport such as buses and trains. Jacobs can print the advertisement on the public transports so that when the public transport move around in the city, it can grab citizens attention and create brand awareness. Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses Internet to deliver marketing messages in attracting customers. For example, Jacobs can use banner ads for advertise Jacobs cracker. Banner ads can be placed in health related blogs, websites and forums. Social network advertising is also another example. So, Jacobs can advertise in the Facebook social network platform. Although Jacobs Malaysia Facebook page exists, it does not seem to have frequent health related information sharing about Jacobs product. As a result, Jacobs should improve from this aspect. Broadcast Media Strategy Broadcast media is one of the important advertising strategies a company can use to create awareness, increase product or brand image. Jacobs can use broadcast media to reach the mass market since broadcast media is the most effective channel to achieve that; we are exposed to different broadcast media in every day. Jacobs original cracker is positioning as a healthy biscuit which is targeted on the healthy conscious people. Thus, they can create broadcast advertisements which are based on healthy conscious concept. Although they are already doing this currently, it should be continued, repeat it again and makes further improvements so that the target audiences are reinforced by this important message heavily. By reinforcing the message to the target audiences, the product image will be stronger. Jacobs original cracker is a consumer good. To effectively advertise it to the right target audiences, broadcast medias which are able to reach the mass market should be utilized heavily since the product is a consumer good and the target market is very wide, the healthy conscious people. There are two types of broadcast media Jacobs should use to advertise their product, television and radio. Television As mentioned in the earlier part, Jacobs is advertising their product through different television channels such as TV1, TV2, TV3, NTV7 and 8TV. This is actually a good effort to advertise the product and reach the target audiences. Utilization of television for advertising of Jacobs original cracker should be continued and make further improvements. Television allows the advertiser to create advertisement which is creative and high impact which is able to send the accurate messages well. Jacobs need this ability of television because concept of Jacobs original cracker which is the healthy biscuit is a vital message that should be sent to the target audiences accurately and effective. Jacobs has to utilize this ability of television to educate their target audiences well. To achieve that, a creative advertisement which includes the unique selling propositions and emotional selling propositions of Jacobs original cracker should be created with a suitable, attractive storyline. Furthermore, the advantage of coverage and cost effectiveness by television is another reason it should be used for Jacobs advertisement. As we know Jacobs original cracker is considered a consumer good and it should be advertised to the mass market, television can help Jacobs to achieve this very well. This is because everyone is exposed to television daily. Regardless of age, sex, income, education level, everyone at least watches some television. Moreover, advertising through television is able to capture the attention of the target audiences. Without making special efforts to avoid commercials, most of us are exposed to thousands of commercial in television each year. This indicates that television has a very high possibility to capture a very high population of people which includes the target audiences of Jacobs. This captivity is actually what Jacobs need because they need the attention of the target audiences before the correct messages can be educated. Although there are some criticisms on television, saying that television is not a good medium which is able to reach the precise target audiences. Fortunately, Jacobs can still use television to advertise their product. This is because one of the television companies in Malaysia, ASTRO offers different channels based on different interest. In case of Jacobs, there are channels like Discovery Home and Health(Channel 733), Asian Food Channel(Channel 703), Food Network Asia HD(Channel 727) which are suitable for Jacobs to advertise since the target audiences can be identified. Audiences who watch the channels mentioned would be a healthy conscious consumer and these audiences are exactly the target audiences of Jacobs. On the other hand, Jacobs should use network advertising for broadcast media to fully utilize the budgets. Network advertising is the most appropriate one for Jacobs. Although the budget would be higher than the spot advertising, network advertising provides Jacobs a few advantages. The purchase process of the airtime is simple for network advertising. Jacobs is dealing with only one party when come to the purchasing of airtime. Besides, audiences who watch the networks which are suitable for Jacobs such as Discovery Home and Health share the same interest, which is to seek a healthy lifestyle. Thus, when Jacobs advertise through the entire network, the target audiences can be reached in a higher chance. In terms of buying airtime method, participation should be chosen as a strategy of Jacobs. As mentioned earlier, Jacobs original cracker is a type of consumer goods which is to be advertised to the mass market. By participations through buying different commercial time, the advertisement of Jacobs can reach more audiences; this is what actually Jacobs need. Other than that, the expenditures of advertising can be controlled since there is no long term commitment to any program; Jacobs is considered only participate in sponsorship of the programs. In selecting the time periods for the advertisement, Jacobs should choose the prime time, 8pm to 11pm or morning time segment, 7am to 9am. Prime time is the time segment which is the most popular time period where most people watches television. Thus, for a consumer product like Jacobs original cracker, it should be advertisement in this time segment to have a greater reach of the target audiences. On the other hand, morning time segment can be chosen too. This is because most healthy conscious people who are the target audiences of Jacobs wake up early in every day. This can reach the target audiences effectively and efficiently. Radio Jacobs seldom advertise their product through the radio. Radio is actually another good media which can be used since it is able to reach the mass market too. Jacobs should start advertising more through radio as it can be used as an alternative medium instead of television. Radio is good in advertising because it can achieve the goal of most companies who are advertising their product, cost and efficiency. Cost for advertising through radio is low; radio commercials are inexpensive to produce and the cost for airtime in radio is also low. This is absolutely a great reason for any company including Jacobs to advertise. Other than that, low cost of advertising through radio in turn increases the efficiency. More reaches of the audiences and frequency of advertisement can be obtained since cost is lower down. Jacobs need this strategy to reach as much target audiences as possible. In addition, radio listeners are emotionally bond to the radio stations they listen frequently. In other words, they have a special, unique relationship with their preferred radio stations. Thus, advertise through radio is a good way to influence the thinking of the audiences. Since there is an emotional bond between the radio listeners and radio stations, advertisements appeared in the radio stations are easily accepted by these radio listeners. Jacobs should utilize this ability of radio to educate the target audiences about the concept of Jacobs original cracker, which is a healthy biscuit. Flexibility of radio for advertising is an ideal advantage for every company who wants to advertise including Jacobs. This ability is also unique as other media are not as flexible as radio. Messages can be easily adjusted any time before it goes out on air to suit the market conditions and situations. Other than that, another advantage which can be obtained through advertising on radio is mental imagery. The elements of the commercial on radio are only the jingle and the voice of the speaker. Although this is limiting the creativity of the advertisement, this allows the listeners to imagine about the product advertised. For instance, Jacobs advertised their Original Cracker through messages about how healthy a person will be by consuming their biscuit and the listeners may start imagine that they might becoming healthy as well if they eat the biscuit in every day. Spot radio is suitable for Jacobs to advertise their product. Network radio is not effective for Jacobs because there is no network of radio that attracts the specific interest of different listeners. Healthy conscious people may not listen to the same radio network. By spot radio, Jacobs can find suitable airtime on individual stations in different markets. This is more effective to reach the correct target market. In selecting the time periods for the advertisement, Jacobs should choose morning drive time or the daytime. The reason is simple. Healthy people wake up early in every day. Plus, working adults who drive in the morning have needs for a healthy breakfast. These supported the morning drive time is reasonable to be chosen. On the other hand, the second choice would be the daytime. This is because, except in the morning, people would like to eat biscuit in the daytime rather than other time periods in Malaysia. Print Media Strategy Print media is another media which advertisers use frequently to advertise their products. It is a popular media in addition to broadcast media. Print media is very much different with broadcast media. Print media allows the audiences to read the messages with own pace. Unlike print media, most broadcast media are on air for limited time period. Audiences may miss out some important messages which the advertisers want to send to them. Print media solve this problem by printed out the advertisement and audiences can read as many times as they wish. This may lead to a high involvement by target audiences who are been attracted. There are many different types of print media. We would like to recommend Jacobs to use magazine and newspaper as the print media. Magazine Magazine is a very powerful print media especially for different lifestyles and specific interests such as sports, automobile, healthy lifestyle and others. Thus, magazine is an ideal print media for advertising. This is because the different market segment can be easily found out by different lifestyles and specific interest. Jacobs seldom advertised their product on the magazine. Magazine should be utilized well. Magazine would be a useful print media for Jacobs to reach their target market effectively. This is because of their ability to reach a specific target audience. Most magazines are published for specific interest groups; this is same to the healthy conscious people. In Malaysia, there is a popular magazine called Oh! Only Health. This magazine is targeted on people who want a healthy lifestyle. Jacobs can create own advertisement for Original Cracker and advertised in this magazine to educate the target audience that Jacobs is selling healthy biscuit and it is suitable for them. Apart from that, the quality of the magazines papers is good. Thus, creativity of the advertisement would be not restricted and as creativity is good, audiences would be got attracted and messages can be sent well to the readers once they are attracted. In addition, magazines are normally read over few days and being kept for a long time. This means that the advertisement would be repeated each time the reader flips through the page which printed the advertisement. Jacobs need a repetitive advertisement so that people can remember them well. So, magazine is a very useful print media for Jacobs to advertise their product, original cracker. Furthermore, magazine is a media which people search for specific information. Other than newspaper, magazine would be the most reliable source for information for the consumers. Consumers would likely trust whatever information provided in the magazine. Same to the healthy lifestyle magazine, healthy conscious people would likely to find and know more ways to be healthier in their life through getting information from the healthy lifestyle magazine. Jacobs should take this opportunity to advertise their product as a healthy biscuit in the healthy lifestyle magazine to gain trust and positive word of mouth from the target audiences. These people who read the healthy lifestyle magazine would likely to become an opinion leader for other consumers. Thus, positive word of mouth from these opinion leaders is very important. Purchasing suitable, enough advertising space and position in magazine is important. Space and position should be decided with considerations on budget and impact of the advertisement. In case of Jacobs, there is not much information needed to be provided in the advertisement. Thus, a quarter page of space is actually enough to provide relevant, related and important information. Although Jacobs position as a healthy biscuit, there are many other healthy related activities, foods and others in the magazine. So, position of the advertisement by Jacobs should be focusing on cost rather than good position. This is to save cost of advertisement as magazine is considered a high cost print media. Newspaper Newspaper is the second major form of the print media. It is as popular as the magazine. Newspaper is important for advertisers because there are many readers of newspaper. Moreover, mostly any types of advertisement are suitable to be advertised in the newspaper since there are many sections in a newspaper. Jacobs has been advertising their product through newspapers such as Utusan Malaysia. This act should be continued to send important messages to the readers. One of the reasons newspaper should be used to advertise Jacobs product is its extensive penetration. The type of newspaper Jacobs would advertise is definitely the daily newspaper. As we know, there are many readers read newspaper daily. This shows the high degree of newspaper market coverage. Jacobs as mentioned before, they are selling consumer good, biscuit, newspaper would be very suitable for Jacobs to advertise its product, Original Cracker since a very high population of audiences including the target audiences can be reached. Jacobs should advertise their advertisement in the healthy section of the newspaper to match the target market. People who are concerned on healthy would find information about the knowledge about healthy food, activities and others in the newspaper. When these readers read the advertisement advertised by Jacobs in the health section, they would trust the information given because readers of newspaper trust the information provided by the newspaper. Although the advertising rate for Jacobs which is the retailer advertising rate is already cheaper than the general advertising rate, budget can be save through using a black and white advertisement in the n

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Narrator’s Attitude in The Pugilist at Rest :: Pugilist at Rest Essays

The Narrator’s Attitude in  The Pugilist at Rest  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Webster’s Dictionary defines it as a mental position or the feeling one has for oneself.   In life our attitudes help define who you are or what you are like.   Attitude helps create your personality and how you would react under certain situations.   In â€Å"The Pugilist at Rest† Thom Jones tells us of one man’s attitude and how adversity and a disability changed his attitude completely.   The narrator’s attitude under goes changes from boot camp, bludgeoning Hey Baby,   recon Marine duty and finally obtaining Dostoyevski’s epilepsy from a boxing match.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The narrator of the story undergoes changes in boot camp that will forever change his attitude towards life and his fellow Marines.   The story begins by showing a young foolish narrator that only wanted to charge into battle.   The narrator wanted to be all he could be and strived to become the best United States Marine Corp soldier the United States has to offer.   Jones describes the narrator’s determination and ambitions as, â€Å"Whenever danger appears on the scene, truth and justice will be served as I slip into the green U.S.M.C. utility uniform and become Earth’s greatest hero.† (485).   The narrator’s attitude would be altered drastically by a motivating speech that his Sergeant delivered to the boot camp.   Jones describes this speech as, â€Å"You men are going off to war, and it’s not a pretty thing,’ etc. & etc., ‘and if Luke the Gook knocks down one of your buddies, a fellow Marine, you are going to risk your life and go in and get that Marine and you are going to bring him out.   Not because I said so. No!   You are going after that Marine because you are a Marine, a member of the most elite fighting force in the world, and that man out thee who’s gone down is a Marine, and he’s your buddy.   He is you brother!   Once you are a Marine, you are always a Marine and you will never let another Marine down.’ Etc. & etc.    ‘You can take a Marine out of the Corps but you can’t take the Corps out of a Marine.’ Etc. & etc.   At the time it seemed to me a very good speech,

Friday, July 19, 2019

Experiment Proving Lambert-Eaton Syndrome (LES) Patients Potassium Chan

In order to understand Lambert-Eaton Syndrome (LES), it is first necessary to have a general understanding of the nervous system. The human nervous system is composed of the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes all the neural tissue outside the CNS. PNS is composed of two basic types of neurons (nerve cells): motor neurons and sensory neurons. Motor neurons, the target of LES, are used to send signals from the CNS to the body to stimulate a reaction. The most important of these reactions when discussing LES are muscle contractions. Sensory neurons move information the other way, from the PNS to the CNS, and bring information about the environment to the brain. The nerve itself is composed of a cell body (called a soma), an axon, and dendrites. Nerves send signals using an electrical charge that is passed from the dendrites,to the axon, then to the next cell. This electrical signal, known as a nerve impulse, is created by the movement of ions. Sodium (Na+) ions migrate into the nerve cell because of stimulation from the central nervous system. This creates a net localized positive charge inside the cell, called an action potential. However, the positive charge degrades as it moves through the cell because the ions will diffuse (and then so will the local charge). The nerve cell has devised a mechanism to keep the magnitude of the charge it receives and then later transmits at a constant value. There are a series of nodes along the axon where there is a high concentration of sodium (Na+) and K+ channels. There is a high concentration of Na+ outside the cell and a high concentration of K+ inside the cell. As the nodes sen... ...nts have fewer active zones, which are also less organized and contain less active zone particles. The active zone particles are essential to the human body, because they are the sites from which neurotransmitters are released. Moreover, the active zones particles include the calcium channels that are fundamental to the release of neurotransmitters. Further research of the calcium channels will help scientists to discover the precise cause and effect of LES which will in turn enable them to treat and perhaps find a cure for this disease. Current treatment techniques include the application of cholinesterase inhibitors, which slow down the degradation of neurotransmitters in the synapse, and 4-diaminopyridine, which block potassium channels and increase acetycholine release. This in turn keeps the presynaptic terminal activated for a longer period of time.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Art Exhibit on Brown vs. Board of Education :: Race Segregation

Generally speaking, I am not one to attend seminars, talks, or museums on my spare time, simply for the betterment of my knowledge, or myself but on Wednesday, April 21st I did just that. Initially I was not very enthusiastic about my assignment to attend an event or exhibit at the university concerning Brown vs. Board of Education, but eventually I sucked it up and decided to attend an art exhibit at the Krannert Art Museum called, â€Å"Social Studies: Eight Artists Address Brown vs. Board of Education. April 21st was a beautiful afternoon, and as I approached the art museum with one of my friends all I could think about were all the things I could be doing instead of going to a museum. Moments later, my mood did not improve as I observed 4 elderly looking people entering the museum about 20 yards in front of me, dressed in suits and formal looking dresses. â€Å"Great,† I thought to myself, as I looked down at my jeans and t-shirt, â€Å"not only am I about to go into a museum, but everyone there is going to think I am a total scrub too.† Upon entering the museum, I promptly asked the woman at the front desk where the exhibit was. She directed me to it and as my friend and I walked away, a large guard yelled at my friend that he couldn’t bring his backpack with him. The guard offered no alternative location for the bag, so my friend walked around aimlessly until the woman at the front desk allowed him to leave the bag under her desk. Now, the mood was set. The museum screamed dullness and tightness at me as I strolled through two large, metal double doors into the exhibit we were there to see. As I entered the room that contained our exhibit, I discovered that there was not one other soul at the entire exhibit. I didn’t expect to encounter many other individuals, but none? I was not prepared to be one of only two people at the entire exhibit, but I had to make do with what I got. My first impression as I walked in was not a good one.

Microeconomics Externalities, Market Power Assignment

Introductory* Micro*economics 316-102 *Sem 1*,2010 Assignment 2: Genevieve Blanch QUESTION 1. Externalities in this situation exist where the Government, Country or Private Organisation decides to launch a new satellite causing costs and benefits to other members of society which do not impact on the G,C or PO. Such externalities include: NEGATIVE (Costs to other members of society) Hazard to the useful working satellites that surround Earth. Threat to our dependence for communications, broadcasting and surveillance. Debris from one collision causing a second, which creates still more debris and collisions. A socially optimal outcomes occurs when then the social maximal benefit equals social marginal cost meaning the surplus to society is maximized. At the same time efficient market equilibrium is needed where the private marginal benefit (PMB) equals Private marginal cost (PMC). {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} SMC=PMC {draw:line} {draw:line} SMB=PMB Q* For each active satellite a certain amount of debris is released into space. Because the debris is a hazard to other working satellites it is considered a negative externality. Due to this negative externality in production, the social cost (SMC) of producing active satellites exceeds the private cost (PMC). This means the socially desirable number of active satellites, Q optimum, is smaller than the equilibrium quantity Q* (As seen below). Graph: Debris and the social optimum {draw:line} * {draw:line} * SMC {draw:line} {draw:line} * *Price of satellites. {draw:line} (Demand) PMC * {draw:line} {draw:line} * Optimum {draw:line} (Supply) PMB=SMB {draw:line} Q optimum* *Q * * *Q=No. of satellites launched We could conclude from the article that the socially optimal outcome is not being achieved due to the negative externalities. b) The article suggests as solution*s* to achieve socially optimal amou*nt of space debris* to: Create â€Å"International civil satellite-awareness system†. â€Å"Countries should comply with international guidelines to minimize the amount of debris created by launches† A moratorium on debris-creating anti-satellite tests Satellite launchers buying insurance. By agreeing to the policies the main aim would be to ‘internalize the externality’. Meaning the satellite producers taking into account the social costs and benefits of their decisions. The first policy would work by increasing the awareness of the problem of debris in space and therefore giving an incentive for producers to think twice on a moral level before producing the satellites. If this worked the PMC would decrease in quantity to meet the optimum at SMC. The second policy would work by governments implementing a tax which will equate PMC and SMC. By putting a tax on a certain amount of debris released through launches the SMC is forced to meet PMC, and has low cost to society. This tax should give producers of active satellites and the launches an economic incentive to reduce the amount of debris being released into space. Another option from the second policy would be to regulate the quantity of satellites being launched or to regulate the quantity of debris being released. This could involve the government telling the producers of satellites to reduce the quantity of satellites launches or debris being released. The third policy would work by the government placing a ban on all anti-satellite tests which are heavy releasers of debris. Banning one type of satellite would reduce the overall amount of satellites launched causing the PMC to approach the social optimum. The fourth policy would works by the insurance acting like a tax. Buying insurance acts like a tax that will increase PMC to social optimum. . c) The free rider problem: The free rider problem in the article is where the ‘orbit is open to anyone with a launch-rocket handy’, therefore some countries may improve their own well being by ‘bearing the costs of wellbeing’ while leaving other countries to pay for the debris, and causing those ‘bearing the costs’ to ‘reap the benefits’. The free rider problem comes from the fact that a public good is â€Å"non-excludable†. It’s when decision makers own well being can be improved by making others pay for the good. Satellite launches are public goods because they are neither excludable nor rivalrous in consumption. People cannot be prevented from using a satellite launcher and one persons use does not reduce another persons use of it. Solutions: Government supplies satellite launches. The government takes over as supplier of satellite launches. They must calculate the SMB and SMC deciding on an efficient quantity, keeping in mind the willingness to pay of satellite launch consumers. Then, using the Lindahl tax the government could finance provision of the satellite launchers by asking consumers with higher revenue to pay more. This means that consumers share of the Social marginal benefit is multiplied by the cost of the launcher. (SMB x Cost=Lindahl tax). The government provides increased incentive to supply clean satellite launchers by assigning property rights. Involves assigning ownership of launchers to certain suppliers who can charge other consumers for using the launchers. QUESTION 2: Relative importance of fixed costs and variable costs in the retail grocery industry? A key part of knowing how much to produce to be profitable comes from how the costs will vary with the level of production. In a large scale firm like coles and Woolworths, it is necessary to produce large quantities. The average fixed costs will decrease as the quantity produced increases. Eg. Say we are looking at labour as a fixed cost. As volume of foods produced increases, there is a diminishing marginal cost of labour as the increase in total cost that arises from extra units of food produced is gradually getting smaller. If both variable costs and average costs are kept to a minimum the total cost will be most profitable. By keeping the fixed costs down using methods of productivity improvement such as electronic self service, the Average fixed cost will be at a minimum causing the average total cost to be at a minimum therefore cost saving. Variable costs are inevitably going to rise with the increase in quantity of sales, however with the total revenue should still outweigh the total costs if the fixed costs are kept at a minimum and the sales volume kept high. {draw:line} ATC AVC AFC {draw:line} Small quantity Large quantity Why structure of costs in retail grocery industry is important for understanding the profitability of firms? For large scale companies like Coles and Woolworths to be profitable the amount of fixed costs needs to balance with the sales volume. These companies are forever trying to maximize their profits; a good strategy to do this is by focusing on cost savings rather than cutting costs. By cost saving, the retail grocers will invest to gain productivity, therefore becoming more efficient and offering the customers more. Eventually in the cycle sales growth increases therefore expanding the profitability. Investing to gain productivity will bring the fixed costs down in the long run and as a result produce a smart distribution chain. If Coles/woolworths has a high fixed cost and the sale volume is decreasing, the company’s profitability will be difficult to maintain hence a high fixed cost must have large sales volume. QUESTION 3: a) Why private schools would want to increase school fees in response to an increase in teacher *saleries*? If we assume that demand for private school remains the same but the schools costs increase we can examine what will happen to profit using MB/MC rule. draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} $ MC $ MC {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:line} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:line} {draw:line} Price * ATC* ATC {draw:line} * * D {draw:line} ATC D MR {draw:line} {draw:line} MR q q No increase in teacher salaries Increase in teacher salaries Profit equals the Price minus average total cost X the quantity. If the teachersâ €™ salaries increase, this will cause the Average total cost(ATC) to increase causing the firms overall costs to increase. Therefore the profit being derived from the Price minus the newly high ATC multiplied by the quantity the total profit, will result in the school receiving less profit. By increasing the price of school fees, the increase in costs is equalised by the increase in price, therefore, with a higher price, the profit of the school will remain the same. â€Å"With the impact of the economic downturn tempering fee rises Here we assume the demand will change with the impact of the economic downturn however we will assume that costs remain the same. The economic downturn will cause an inward shift in the demand curve as there is a decline in demand for private school education. The Marginal revenue will shift with the demand curve as a decrease in demand also results in a decrease in marginal revenue. Therefore, this shift in demand will cause the price of Private School fees to decrease {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} $ MC {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:line} {draw:line} Price {draw:line} ATC * D1* {draw:line} ATC D2 {draw:line} MR q QUESTION 4: Main explanations for why market power of the ‘big four’ banks in Australia has* increased? *Reduction in competition. * In a more competitive situation, which we hope will occur again soon, competition between the big 4 banks, smaller banks and their customers is consistent causing the prices to be competitive and the market power at a reasonable medium level. The big 4 banks have recently been less of a threat to each other mainly due to the financial crisis taking â€Å"out the non-bank lenders for housing† which means the larger banks have more necessity. And by taking over two smaller banks, they have reduced the smaller competition. The necessity of the banks and lack of smaller bank competition means the market power for the ‘big four’ increases. *More constraint. * People are keeping with their current banks due to being â€Å"expensive and time-consuming† to shift loans and bank accounts between the ‘big four’. This financial burden holds them to their banks taking the power away from the consumers and giving the banks control over market prices. Explain how the banks greater market power allows them to ‘raise their rate of profit’. Reduction in competition means that if the banks increase their prices, such as the variable mortgage rate (0. 2 percentage points) they will not lose customers. Because of the lack in competition the banks have heightened their market power to the point where the banks can increase their prices(mark up), without impacting on their customers. Thus, the quantity demanded for banks responds little to the price deeming it relatively price inelastic. With higher prices, the Price minus the ATC will be higher therefore raising their profit. More constraint means that other firms are less price competitive because their customers will be unlikely to switch banks due to it being ‘expensive and time consuming to shift loans and bank accounts’. The constraint to banks causes the consumer demand to become very price inelastic, this is because an increase in price would not severely impact on the demand to switch to another bank because of the cost in doing so. PART 2 â€Å"Why are Melbourne University Colleges significantly more expensive than other colleges when they offer similar *services? † The on campus catered residential housing, otherwise known as ‘colleges’ prove to show some vast differences in fee pricing. When comparing ANU’s colleges to the University of Melbourne’s, Melbourne proved to have significantly higher fees. To attend a Melbourne University College as an undergraduate the prices range from $18,200 to $21,051 over the year1 which can be to a $505. 55 to $58 4. 84 weekly fee1. At an ANU college the undergraduate weekly fee is from $297. 50(Ursula Hall) to $305 (Burgmann College)2. Considering they both offer similar services, food, bedrooms, amenities, gym, library, on campus, tutorial services, social and sporting events we can look to the market forces of demand and supply, as well as elasticity for an economic explanation. DEMAND The Melbourne University colleges to many students about to begin university are considered an essential to forming strong relationships as well as giving extra support academically (especially being in a whole new academic system). They offer many services from full food and board to a gym and intercollege sporting events. College is commonly referred to as ‘the best years of your life’ and so many want to experience it. Most students come from regional areas and some from foreign countries, these students have the necessity to find accommodation in Melbourne so college responds to this need. Putting these aspects together we can understand why there in an increase in demand for a place at a Melbourne University College (see below). {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} P S {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} P*2 {draw:line} {draw:line} P* {draw:line} D1 D2 Q? Q2 Q Consequently an increase in demand for Melbourne Uni College results in an increase in price/fees and an increase in the quantity of places demanded. ANU Colleges offering the same or similar services and opportunities as Melbourne Uni also has a high demand to get into college, however they differ in the number of places available and the elasticity. BOTTLENECK Despite the heavy demand for a place at college there are a limited number of places available. With more people willing to get in than places, a bottleneck is placed on supply and increases the prices (similar to a firm with monopoly power). This can be represented like a quota, with the quota as the restriction on available accommodation. *Accommodation at Melbourne Uni* Colleges {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} P {draw:line} S {draw:custom-shape} {draw:line} {draw:line} P Quota Melb Uni {draw:line} {draw:line} P*ANU {draw:custom-shape} {draw:line} D {draw:line} {draw:line} Q*ANU Q Q Quota, Melb uni. At ANU, there is a guarantee that all interstate or regional students will be given accommodation, so the restriction on accommodation doesn’t exist hence the price being lower than Melbourne Uni. Also, the price of land in Parkville, close to the city in the heart of Melbourne automatically means the price of land will be ELASTICITY The Melbourne University Colleges in some cases are filled by privileged students who come from high income families whose parents consider college a necessity, are willing to support them in college despite large fees. Other students work to be able to support themselves, both categories are relatively unaffected by the price. This means there is an inelastic demand for Melb Uni colleges. The quantity demanded of a place at Melb Uni Colleges does not respond hugely to the increase in college fees. Hence, the colleges can increase their prices and the demand will not be effected. Conversely, at ANU, despite the demand still being rather inelastic, it is more elastic than Melbourne Uni Colleges. ANU has a wider socio economic intake, spreading wider than Melb Uni from high income families to low income families so the quantity demanded in their colleges will more likely be swayed by pricing. Hence it is more important to maintain a competitive and lower price. draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} P2 P1 {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} D(UM) D (ANU) {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} Q2 Q1Q1Q2 REFERENCES: http://www. colleges. unimelb. edu. au/assets/uploads/Comparative-Costs-2010. pdf University of Melbourne, ICC (2010). _Comparative Costs. _ http://accom. anu. edu. au/UAS/2340/ver sion/1/part/4/data/ANU%20Hall%20and%20College%20Fee%20Summary%202010%20v5. pdf? branch=main&language=default Australian National University, 2010. ANU Hall and fee summary.